Tuesday, June 14, 2011

So much to learn

Our family has been blessed in so many ways that when things go wrong we tend to forget how fortunate we are. I think that is why I decided to start this blog. You see we have lived in Puerto Rico, a tropical island, for 9 months.  Yes, 9 months, the same amount as a pregnancy. Now ladies, those of you have been pregnant no how looooong a pregnancy can be when you are miserible.  Yet, we really aren't (for the most part) miserible for the entire 9 months. It just seems we tend to focus on the negative. That is what I've been doing on this beautiful tropical island....focusing on the negatives.  That changes today!

We are a Christian, homeschooling, military family with 4 kids (3boys, 1 girl), 2 dogs, and a whole lot of craziness. Because we keep our kids at home for their education we tend to be a little different than the average family. For us, education isn't just 8am to 3pm, 5 days a week, 9 months of the year but a lifelong journey.  We are also going on a "field trip" or an adventure.  Overall, our family really enjoys learning (because we make it fun) and being together.

I'm learning myself. I'm learning to focus on the positive because we have had some incredible experiences in those 9 months. I'm learning to get over my fears.  Fear of flying, fear of the ocean (I developed that fear after we got here), fear of blogging,  fear of letting my children run free in the neighborhood, and fear of driving. I have all those fears but I don't let them stop me. I do fly, I do enjoy the ocean, I'm attempting to write a blog, and my kids run wild around base. Driving? Well, I'm working on that one...one mile at a time.

One of our fun experiences in PR involved tree trimmers. Before hurricane season the base hires a local company to remove the coconuts to prevent damages if we experience a tropical storm or hurricane. The company works in stages. The first crew comes around and trims the fronds and the coconuts and they move rather quickly. The second crew separates the fronds and coconuts. Apparently, the coconuts are then sold to a local for Coco Frios.  This group moves a little more slowly...and we had no idea they were coming.

So, when my kids saw the treasures that lay before them they didn't hesitate. They quickly pulled out coconuts and all the various stages of coconuts. Man are coconuts bunched together heavy!  What fun they had! They broke open coconuts and saved the liquid in 2 liter bottles.  They took apart pods and found "baby" coconuts and then lined them up, in order to show the various stages.  Then I  heard another truck coming and I got the "look." The workers arrived and weren't happy with us...apparently we had enjoyed some of their profits. Since our Spanish is limited we just smiled and waved and kept playing with our pile.  I'm sure they thought I was crazy as I was having as much fun as the kids!

The experience was amazing. We had a great time outside just being together. We all learned something new about coconuts and even showed the neighbors.  Even the trimmers learned something new because I'm sure next year when they trim the trees they will know to move faster in front of the house with the crazy homeschoolers.

Bethany found this and called them baby coconuts.

Coconut Stages

Collecting the "juice."

We still have much to learn on this island. I hope you continue with us on our journey. I'll try to make it fun and honest! God Bless!


  1. Hi! I followed over from CU. Sounds like a lot of fun! I can't wait to hear more.

    I used to be afraid to drive too. God worked with me in baby steps til I was able to get to most of the places I needed to go. I still didn't drive on the interstate though. I can't drive anymore due to a disability, but life happens. :)

  2. Thanks! I'll have to post some of my driving stories later. I have driven all the way from RI to CA alone! It is PR where my fears have returned. lol

  3. LOVE it, LOVE it, LOVE it, BFF!! This was awesome! And I love seeing your awesome kids! Keep it up and you may encourage me to get busy. I have a blog and have dreams of all the cool things I want to write on it, but I never do. And I LOVE to write, I just can't find the time and motivation to write my blog. :(

    These pics remind me so much of Guam. MY kids used to LOVE to play with the coconuts, too. Especially after a typhoon. And back then I didn't know how super healthy coconuts are. I LOVE them now, both for the taste and health properties! I wonder if coconuts grow in Japan....

    Keep at it girl, you're doing great!
